Welcome to my blog...I have always thought that people are desperate to know what I'm thinking......and here you are just like I thought! Its tough being right all the time.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Maybe a little too relaxed?

So its a chilly night on "the way..."  At the ripe hour of 6pm, I find myself nestled in bed, planning to study for my Italian final.....but more focused on my just delivered pizza.  Recall the scene in Home Alone where Kevin finally gets his cheese pizza in bed and doesn't have to share?  I know this glory.  No damn peppers or crazy assed thai chili sauce or of all things broccoli...its just a straight pepperoni with mushroom on half!  Ahhhhhhhh, good times.  Speaking of good times, remember that show?  Why do we continue to see chronic Seinfeld flashbacks and million year old episodes of "Becker"...where are the Good Times and Jeffersons?  C'mon people!

So I'm concerned that my blog hasn't gone viral....I really thought I could make mediocrity popular....I'm barely drumming up a light rash of interest here...sigh.

So I'm hunkering down to ride out the rest of the week - but it is also Glee night, so mustn't forget my priorities.  I have all the lights on in the house.  Just cuz I can......the light police are out partying, so I'm livin large.  Don't forget the Lyrics on again......wow its a bad show.  Who knew Sugar Ray frontman Mark McGrath would sell out so drastically?  Tonight is a tribute to forgotten American Idol almosts.  Poor Elliot Yamin looking the littlest bit drunk, is singing his hearing impaired little heart out to "Susudio", just a tad off key.

So, back to the TTC.  I know there is a crusader in me somewhere in search of a plight.  I may have found it in the Red Rocket.  Lets face it.  Its dirty in the tunnels with all of the lepers and the mole people.  With the slop of winter upon us, it can only get worse.  Theres a lot of creepies on the cars that you'd just rather not get close to......but here's a nifty way to ward of the sidlers:

Just slip off your raunchy boots and put up your feet!  How laid back can ya get?  This guy had a good 2m of people buffer all around.  Offense is the new repellent.  Good on ya hobo Joe.

This in the news....Dad was sworn in to council today.  Its official, hes on the job.  The dump/recycling employees are surely stealing office supplies as we speak planning for the exodus.......

Hes called me to tell me that he got  a new cell phone, and feels he swindled Telus because he got a camera in his cell phone, and thinks he should have been charges for it.  Jesus.  He's got 3 bars signal...so he's riding high.

Theres something to be said for living in the sticks, where 3 bars is a triumph, and your biggest decision is black toque or orange toque.

Okay - gotta study.  Until I see the next hideous shoe, I'll be avoiding catching something infectious off of a handrail at Union.....

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