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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The giving tree has died

I know I know.  Giving this year is down over 34%.  But I too, am just so tired of it.  i can't get into the LCBO in Oakville without having to pay the toll of supporting some local team learning the art of fundraising at the door!  Thanks but no thanks....I already have a broken candy cane little girl.  While it may seem unlikely - I give all year to those more destitute than I, till I just can't give no more (notice I said 'more destitute than I').  I give to church, I give to breast cancer, I support 2 World Vision kids, I'm building AIDS kits for Africa and any mustache growing, cookie-chocolate bar-wrappingpaper-magazine-gift card-candycane sellin, soccer playing, bicycling, jump-roping, homeless, jobless, penniless, foodless, bell jingling, sick, indigent, limbless, busker with their hat out gets what I've got. I will NOT however support the street sleepers and tunnel dwellers, as I have already supported the facility that WANTS TO HELP THEM....maybe I should just hand out maps to the shelters! The charity line on my tax return rivals the actual taxes remitted line.....its true.  But I tell ya - for this year anyway - its over. I am suffering donor fatigue.  Some things are planned, and I've committed, and the lost shoe money brings me no heartache - but the latest "Save the Lady Bugs", or "Would You Like to Round Up your Receipt to Help Tibetan Monks Read" campaign will have to wait I'm afraid - cuz I need winter boots.  Possibly I should put out a can on my desk that says "Warm Chris's Feet Fund" and if I put a cute Panda Bear logo on the jar, people will just naturally support....right? Anyone?  Yes dear readers.....the giving tree is leafless, and sadly my roomy may just have to work a bit harder to compensate the community for my disdain.

Next year I'm giving it all to the zoo, to a fella named Marty.......

1 comment:

  1. This is a brilliant post. It’s brilliant because its brave. Its brilliant because it likely captures the same beaten-down frustration so many of us feel. Enough is enough already.

    I do however, have to be honest, in that as outraged and annoyed as I am at being accosted day and night – and my home-phone never stops ringing – I am not even half the altruistic saint Christine is. In fact, I’d say I am downright selfish.
    If one believes in ‘that sort of thing’ there is indeed a special place for people like Chris, and a in turn, a special place for those like me…those selfish enough to consider friends and family paramount to any other priority. And yes folks, I am saying it out loud – ANY other priority.

    Enough is enough.
