Welcome to my blog...I have always thought that people are desperate to know what I'm thinking......and here you are just like I thought! Its tough being right all the time.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Say Hello to My New Arrival

She's here! After all of the anticipation she arrived amidst my sorrow of the loss of Oprah.  With every closed door is an open window I guess.  She weighs a shocking 1.33 pounds, and is about 7.31 inches long. 

Surprisingly, the delivery wasn't too bad...a mere 10 days, and I barely felt it. 

Isn't she beautiful?

She's happily resting at home in the original package.......roomie and I will smash a beer on a corner to Christen her later, provided she isn't paralyzed from volleyball.   I got my 'Angry Bird' finger all warmed up.

So what else has happened since I blogged last?

1.  I have a head cold like you wouldn't believe - its an Anti-Christ virus to be sure.  Where does all of the mucus come from anyway? 
2.  I was stupid to have taken 3 classes this semester......SO DUMB!
3.  I have hired a protegee.  I think it will work out well.
4.  The back yard is in full floral splendour.  Its practically a sanctuary back there.  My peony and rose plants are resurrected!
5.  I made the worst raspberry pie in pastry history
6.  I made my first pavlova to some critical acclaim
7.  I saw Pirates of the Caribbean 4 (3/5*)
8.  Wasted too much time on Idol and DWTS.  If "i wanna be george strait" wins tonight, I am officially out of this club for good!

So those have been a rich 2 weeks I'd say.  All the while mourning the loss of Oprah.  And I'm fairly steady.  Imagine what are all of her groupies feeling today?  Seriously.  There are Oprah cults everywhere!  Probably being lead by Jamie Fox, Will Smith and Gayle.  We are hardly gonna all tune in to see Katie Couric.  Thank god I don't have a PVR or I would NEVER and I mean NEVER leave the house. 

Working a later shift today.  Had to.  I was in delivery all morning :).  So I gotta churn out some policy and bask in the beautiful aloneness that happens at 4pm! 

So thats what you have missed.    Donnie and Marie are coming to town.  Think I'd like to go.  Might surf for some tickets today.  Also have to plan the Tea Party of the century for June. Anyone who knows me will know I am sorely behind on this if I'm just brainstorming now.  I got a busy few weeks ahead!  Tomorrow I have a dinner happening in the Starlight Dining Lounge, movies Friday, and a BBQ on the Piazza di Fiori on Saturday.......

I may have the energy to weigh in and blog next week.....but till then check out this graduation cake:

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