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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Tinkering w B Day visions

Having a great day surfing the web......thought I'd share some of my findings.....sides hurt....so much jocularity.

These are from a book called Passive Aggressive Notes: Painfully Polite and Hilariously Hostile Writings by Kerry Miller.   Enjoy.....Klein - are these your work??????

Other books I'm keen on are:
Stray Shopping Carts of Eastern North America by Julia Montague
50 Sad Chairs by Bill Keaggy
Regretsy - When DIY meets WTF by April Winchell
Awkward Family Photos by Doug Chernak

And this was just absurd.......I wonder where you buy these...probably in the same store as the plush Toy Story 3 Peas.......I still don't own those.....also a good bday idea......

Hope you enjoyed the mystic ramblings of one winding down a job that never really wound up......

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