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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Thank goodness the 2010 tax year has me shakin in my boots......

...or I never would have been able to stay awake through the Oscars.  Fortunately, pre-doing my #'s to figure out how much $$ to shove in an RSP gave me an unplanned smack in the face, waking me right up!

What the hell happened to my award show.? I revel in this program every year.  Since Silence of the Lambs swept the podium a hundred years ago I have been a rabid Oscar hound.......Has the academy learned its lesson yet?

When Billy Crystal makes an appearance......just let him keep hosting, and put Anne and that nimrod Franco out of their misery.  What a horrifying attempt at hosting.  The audience may have been better entertained had Franco shared some of his "stash" on the red carpet.  For that matter, a doddering Kirk Douglas brought on more laughs, and could have given those 2 the hook.

And what backward ho-down isn't complete without some white trash showin up with some bad tater-salad.  That Leo babe couldn't have done herself a bigger disservice with that speech.  Me thinks we won't see her on the podium any time soon.....and CTV won't risk not having a time delay (those poor kids from PS 22 sitting back stage for 3 hours heard the F word!).  Hyperventilating, using the f-word, waving at the little people - the whole what-really-little-old-me? routine doesn't quite ring true when you've taken out ads in the Hollywood trade press saying Vote For ME

Of course Halle Berry also needs to make a token appearance to honour someone "of colour".  I'm surprised she isn't feeling a bit typecast.......

If Colin Firth hadn't have won, I expect I'd be quite bitter by the end of these proceedings, but such was not the case.   I'm sure the saccharin Kumbaya riff of PS22 would have brought me around if there was a loss.

I agree with Piers Morgan - this event needed Ricky Gervais.  And why does Christian Bales accent change with every award show? And why would Nicole Kidman wear those awful orange shoes....of course the old babe behind her has a pretty nasty pink ensemble on that she clearly slept in.....

Another question I have is why are Penelope Cruz and Sharon Stone still showing up to the Oscars?  Just for the dresses?  Dunno, but they are a burden to have to flip past in the papers.........

In other news.....

It is 25 days till my birthday......hope the shopping is going well.....

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