Welcome to my blog...I have always thought that people are desperate to know what I'm thinking......and here you are just like I thought! Its tough being right all the time.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Did I tell you?

I got a new desk.  Yup - big move across the floor from the south side to the north side.  I needed a shoebox to pack.....

Some particular things you should note:  1.  My ryerson homework.  Always handy and nearby to work on.  Printed all of my assigned reading for the 'Crazy' class.....which realy ought to have been aptly titled "Why do women turn lebanese, and why does society thing they have a mental disorder.   Did I mention the "Mental Illness" class is killin me?  Oh right...we don't say people with mental illness.....its Psychiatric Survivor, if you ever find yourself dialoguing on the topic.  Three weeks in and my prof has profiled me as argumentative and I've been ostracized for having non-conformist opinions......sigh. 

Also note the very safe electrical set up I have going on here.  That with my classy blue foot stool should paint the whole picture for you.  BTW - thank you LifeLabs for continuing to give me aluminum poisoning from the travel mug that still sits behind my phone wherever I go.  That and the hand sanitizer.  You can't avoid it.  Its everywhere.  See those 3 memory sticks?  A gift with purchase of the mug .......they are remembering a lot.

Of course you are asking...:"Why is there a monitor mounted when she has an undocked lap top?".......I don't know either, but they invest in their people - even if it is to a non-functional end.  The best bit tho?  The headphones that plug into my phone so I can watch and listen to Marilyn Denis and have it look like I'm on a non disruptive webinar......

So I saw this on the TTC today.  Gross

First of all, white sweatpants should be outlawed.  The fact that they are a size 48 and cut offs makes them positively vile.  He appeared to be a psychiatric survivor......or chemically dependant.  I opted out of learning more about him.

I also spent a lot of time surfing today.  Now that the essay pressure is over I can waste some time again and focus on my job search again tomorrow.....so I started to check out other blogs....this made me smile:


Gonna buy a TV tonight so I can Wii-ersize in the basement.  Rock on.

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