Welcome to my blog...I have always thought that people are desperate to know what I'm thinking......and here you are just like I thought! Its tough being right all the time.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Only 86 lbs to go.

Feels good to have moved a tangble step away from 100 lbs.  Wow.  Its a daunting amount of weight.  For perspective for the skinny people who just can't fathom this, imagine how it would feel if I were to ask you to carry 8 - 24can cases of pop on your shoulders.  Thats 100lbs.  That would be quite exhausing (actually it is quite exhausting).  I have lost a case.  Hooray.  Although - you still can't tell.  My tube top is still in the package.

I just churned out another essay under the wire.  It is due tonight at 11:55.  I tried all weekend to read the article I was to be referencing.  It was so dry that it has taken me 5 days to actually read the 30 pgs (full of illustrations) and actually compute what it was trying to say.  Talk about inefficient.  At least my Italian homework is done.  You can copy me this week Norma......I owe you a few.

Spent the weekend with mom and dad.  Mr. Councillor has effectively wiggled his way into overseeing...you guessed it....the dump!  Hooray.  Democracy and diligence can win the race.  He will also be governing veterinary services and the dog pound.  Its all glamour in the croft.  I hope we don't end up with any new pets.......

Also - this just in..... my parents for the first time in 36 years will not be on the continent to celebrate my birthday, as they will be lying on some damn beach in the Carribean.  All of this council work has made them wealthy globetrotters, much to my shock.  They'd never go on vacation if it was Stevie's birthday!  Honestly. 

In bigger news - it is 55 days until my birthday.  Given that my social network has been radically reorganized - thank you LifeLabs - and given that I will not be in the croft for it.....I have some planning to do.  As always I will still run with a theme, which this year is........

Magenta, Magic, and Magnets

Do with it what you will..........I think this year I'll do a prize for best interpretation of the theme.  You all work so hard, it would be a shame to not provide positive reinforcement :).

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog, I read it every chance I have. Keep up the great job.
