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Friday, November 26, 2010

My retarding vocabulary

Since my lifelabian exodus.....I have found myself rendered positively moronic.  I can't seem to be able to use big words anymore!  You know why?  Cuz I don't have my daily dialogues with Skippy.  For those that don't know him well, you are missing out.  His calling in life I am sure is to simply entertain and mystify and he does it by peppering his schtick with the most colorful vocabulary. By sheer exposure I started to sound intelligent as I would work the words into my everyday too.....you don't believe me?  Try to work all ten of the top Skippy Words of the Day in to your interactions tomorrow.  Truth:  I had to look everyone of these up the first time I heard it.

SACCHARIN - its an artificial sweetener....so sickeningly sweet it would curl your toes.....best used recently to describe Katy Perry

IMPETUS - Not to be confused with impotence - means a driving force, or a stimulus.....best used when trying to reconcile some mammoth company blunder.....as in "What could be the impetus for this latest rectal probe coming from HR?"

MACHIAVELLIAN - referring to an act or person that is cunning, deceitful, or opportunistic....usually used in reference to someone manipulating the hell out of us...possibly those responsible for oh say...supplies.  Read "The Prince" by Nicolai Machiavelli......enlightening

DICKENSIAN - in reference to the works of Charles Dickens, describing a particular poverty or social injustice, reminiscent of Great Expectations.....The Budget review always felt Dickensian with we leaders holding out our bowls asking "Please Nelly, can we have some more??"

VAPID - offering nothing stimulating or challenging......also used to describe Katy Perry

SALLY FORTH - not the comic strip, its a verb!  It means to charge in and defend ones self from siege.....use in reference to skirmish times and needing to not be doormats

DIATRIBE - a forceful and bitter verbal attack.....I was famous for those!

JEW-LITE - one practicing Judaism in a most cavalier way, a la Tim Watley who converted to Judaism purely for the jokes.  Sure Skippy had a menorah, but I'll bet theres no Kasha in his cupboard

CATACLYSMIC - that brought about by radical upheaval or drastic change........everyday was cataclysmic!

DUBIOUS - wrought with doubt, as in "Boy, I'm dubious as to the validity of this recent vacation spreadsheet, and the correctness of the data within

RIFE - widespread or common - as in the aforementioned spreadsheet turned out to be RIFE with errors.

Try it - you'll like it.

1 comment:

  1. I have this to say about that.

    It is difficult to be engaging around those with no spirit.
    It is useless to light a candle in a room that is already full of noise. Best leave the cacophony in the dark.

    If this canary sang, it was only because he was afraid of the dark, and longed for good friends.
