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Saturday, November 27, 2010

I haven't been invited to Letterman yet

Just to keep you all updated - but I think he'll call.  Soon.  Today is gonna be busy - heres the game plan:

1 - Find a toque - 1, its snowing, and 2, don't want to wash my hair till later
2 - Grocery shopping for the annual charity cocktail affair....got a bucket of money and away I go....and guess what people...I'm buying a freezer!  Not only do I have a problem with triscuit overload....I also can't stop buying meat.  I've officially entered full on domesticity!  I can't wait to fill it....despite all of roomies protests
3 - Gonna get all pretty, going to the theatre w my Italian class pal tonite.

Groceries and almost Broadway....I got the world on a string!  Obviously not sitting at home to watch the food network all day, as my crusade to end Boitanos cooking career has not yet been realized.

I plan to funnel a pile of money into the economy today......gotta get outta the grotto as Super G is weilding a paint roller today.  Not my cup o tea!

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