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Wednesday, September 14, 2011


So it is probably time to share my parents fascination with disaster.  My mother is convinced that the worlds implosion is imminent and pores constantly over TLC and Discovery watching shows that project what will happen if.......  Apparently all that will be left standing is tinsel and roaches.  So my parents are not idly taking this laying down...no no....

My father has taken to can hoarding.  If its in a can - there is a case of it in my family home.  While the rest of us are all radiation stricken, living in cardboard trash shelters and contemplating eating each other....mom and dad will be happily hunkered over a can of yellow wax beans, munching to their hearts content.....and if they feel like it, maybe a can of beets too.  They can live large..... There may be enough canned food for the two of them to exist for a good 3 years at this point.  Thank god for NO FRILLS dollar days...

The really should change that slogan to "No Name.....for when the Bunker is Bare"....

And speaking if Bunkers.....where will all of this canned food go...well the first stop was blasting through the pantry into MY BEDROOM CLOSET!!!!  There have been too many sales to resist so we are certainly past capacity now....so now envision a backhoe crawling up the driveway for the excavation of a hole in which to build the new family bomb/tornado/potato storage shelter.  Really?

My father has dug a bachelor apartment size hole into the side of a hill behind the house (to avoid the need for any legal permits...) to build what he calls his root cellar for potato storage. How many potatoes can 2 people eat?..... My mother on the other hand has bigger plans - in that it has to be wired for satellite TV so she can watch the disaster from the comfort of her protective bunker (while they both munch on canned peas) when disaster strikes.   The next thing you know there will be preserving activities going on after the harvest......(what harvest?...wait, maybe we need a garden...)

I spent last weekend helping construct the Potato/Tornado bunker.  Making cement from scratch, and hauling blocks....300 later we have a solid structure...... I'm sure it has a lid by now, and is likely buried under the residual earth...no one will ever know its there... dads probably touring yard sales for a crank radio and hurricane lanterns....or wiring it for windmill power.  Mom is plotting recent earthquakes on her maps of the world and noticing how close Vancouver really is......their getting closer and closer..... all the while in the background, there is an episode of "Disasters that Kill" playing in the background on TV.

I sure hope they remember to store a can opener in there......

Your Moment of Zen:

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