Welcome to my blog...I have always thought that people are desperate to know what I'm thinking......and here you are just like I thought! Its tough being right all the time.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

It was EPIC

Its all I can say - EPIC.  And I'm not even a boy band groupie - but holy crap was the NKOTBSB-a-palooza ever freakin awesome!!

I won't lie.  I have been to several of their independent concerts.  I do have an extensive i-pod compendium of both bands - don't judge me.  I didn't expect much beyond the usual fare at the ACC - but wow.....can 20000 groupies ever make a lot of noise.  All I can say is, is that I continue to facilitate much fun for these two:

Good times - the place was mobbed - literally mobbed.....and we were semi dazzled by NEVEREST.....(buy their album BTW), and then Jordan Sparks (don't bother)...and then as if they might pull out a machine gun and take over the world - they magically appeared on stage to an earsplitting round of peri-menopausal peals of delight, peppered by the odd pre-teen trying to catch up.  I'm an applauder.......

Awesome....... heres a few neat pix...check out the little kid getting the serenade.....thats gonna be burned on her brain for a while I'll bet!  She was freaking!

Of course - fan faves, Donny, Joey, and Nick brought on most of the resulting deafness.....and then it was all over.....they aren't Tom Jones or Barry Manilow.....but really, who is?

But the big win of the night was the find of the century.  Miss Crazy-Asian-Ugly-Shoe 2011.  It was really worth the trip on the filthy TTC just to see these.....what would have been better if if I coulda got the whole outfit, complete with fuchsia plaid skirt, black thigh high stockings and full on bleach blond hair.  Rockin......

Didn't know they made peach suede.  She had a pretty sweet chunk of man-candy on her arm too.  All of 98lbs, pasty ghostlike complexion riddled with acne, braces, and a sports jacket.  Love is blind for shure!

So you will all be happy to know that I have kicked angry birds, and like all people on heroin, you gotta wean off slow, and get yourself some methadone.  I have found a dealer in Klein who has turned me on to Plants vs Zombies.  And now it is time for a made for TV intervention to be aired on A&E - cuz I have a full blown addiction here.  I'm trying to go cold turkducken here..... I got the chills, I got the shakes - all classic withdrawl symptoms.....I'm itchy......of course, it is only 18 degrees at work and there may be asbestos in the carpet.....so I can't really be sure whats going on.

Does anyone care that Canada Post is on strike?  Seriously - I could totally go down to 1 day a week and pick up my mail at a box in the post office like the olden days.  Postal worker entitlement makes me crazy - I don't even know what their real labour strife is - and I am certain I wouldn't care once I learned.  They are just the next casualty in the long line of careers being automated.  Lets move with the times and revel in how long ya dodged the electronic reaper!

Also in the news - I'm pretty laden with exams these next few weeks, but as a treat I'm taking myself to see Hugh Jackman in concert in July.  Who knew right?  Its so weird it has to be good. News to follow.

Pedi tomorrow - also big news, and I'm strongly considering shaving my head and turning to wigs.  I'm so sick of hair.  Aren't you sick of my hair too?

Tea party plans are still percolating....

Well - it seems like as good a time as any to go back to work.  Here's your schools almost over moment of Zen:

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

There is such a thing as too many angry birds

I haven't blogged in a while - and its possibly because I have a problem.  Angry Birds have kinda taken over my life I'm afraid.  Its tough to break the habit once you are in too deep.  A friend of mine has the same problem with solitaire.....maybe the iPad is meant to anti socialize people as a kind of means toward staving off coups, or public rallying.....if we don't talk to each other anymore.....we can never collectively rage against the machine.  Thank god I finished all of the levels..... :).  I may have an iPad2 for sale if it continues to corrupt me socially.

So - this also in the news - I went to a religious rally.  All of the regional Meeting House ministries came out under "One Roof" to "enflesh" Community with the big JC.  I think I saw him in the rafters munching a bag of popcorn.  It might have been a hippie from Parry Sound though.  I had to squint through all of the strobe lighting.  It was actually closer to a rock concert than a revival.  For a first try at gathering the masses, it was pretty good.  Obviously when I get my feedback form, I will happily share some thoughts.  But for now - I resign to say it wasn't a total waste of roomies 10$ or my Saturday afternoon

Also - my brother is engaged - so that's news.

Also - Mommy G's Bday was on the weekend - that was a nice BBQ.  Fab weather.

Also - had a fab BQ with the Lloyd Manor clan - roomie pats together a bichin burger.

Also - I saw Hangover 2 and Bridesmaids.  Bridesmaids was quite good.  I'll try ot see Hang 1, and see if I can appreciate Hang 2 more.

I tell ya - with all this news I clearly have the world on a string.  I have also learned that I am a nuisance.  Thats a tough lesson - apparently I just am one.  Who knew.  Quite sobering when you find this kinda thing out - so be ready.  If someone ever sidles up to you and says "We need to talk" - ask right away if they are going to tell you that you are a nuisance - and if the answer is yes, politely ask them to keep it a secret - cuz you won't recover - you might even take up a bad habit - like Crystal Meth or Angry Birds Rio.  Its not easy being me you know.

So this morning while listening to 680 news en-route to work (don't that sound riveting?) they have a breaking announcement.  Stephen Harper was rushed to TGH as he choked on a piece of hashbrown at breakfast....but would likely make a full recovery..... In a mere few moments they retracted the story because they got it off the conservative party web site...and it was hacked.  My immediate thoughts were 1.  What could possibly be so interesting with the conservatives that I have ACTIVE website surveillance to learn this in real time, 2.  Who hacks that kind of content.  A hashbrown?  Really?  Whats funny was that I was eating a hashbrown at the time!  Ah well.  Stevo is fit as a fiddle.  I can rest easy.  At least 680 has something new to loop every 10 minutes.  Way to go with the Ace journalism Cormack McSweeny.....(no really - thats his real name).

Well - lets get on with the gettin on today.... in the words of Jon Stewart - here is your moment of Zen:

Read the fine print if you can.  Too funny - I think I'll go.