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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

40 days to go......

till my birthday......in case anyone was struggling with the math.  How goes the magical magenta magnet hunt?  Apart from my insane themes, there is always a renegade gift getter who bucks social convention and comes to me on bended knee bearing somethig decadent from the culinary realm....and no, not the 7 packs of grape jello from the Aubergine 7J year.

This year I have done some good web searching, and have learned that La Creuset has a "Stoneware Jar" line....I love all 5 models - theres an olive jar, a syrup jar, a bbq sauce jar, a jelly jar.....but the best:

The mustard jar!!!  Ain't it a beaut!  Love it...........opporunity knocks....who will answer?
I also have use for a cherry pitter.....don't you? 
In academic news today, I'm 60% caught up.  Italian homework - check, Italian assignment - check, Healthcare quiz - done (36/50 shitty - but I'll live), THAT AWFUL AWFUL DISABILITY VIDEO - watched.  Thanks Snoop for suffering with me.  Mediochre but politically astute response on said video - submitted.  Independant Study for crazy class - picked out,  quest to find a copy of the Matthew Modine movie "And the band played on" - underway.

Heading to the GO train to start reading......momentarily..............

The psychosis created from waiting on a reference check to be done........priceless

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