So on January 3, with all of the Christmas chaos finally wound down, I have been able to find my room again, and can happily nestle in to scribble down my first blog of the year. I have a half blog in my pending files that I started on Dec 23, but just couldn't get my act together on quality. Although...I could do a quick photo montage of some of my gifts, that came with a claim of "you'd look so good in that"...and big laughs would be comin for sure!!......good grief.
Tonight, Top Chef All-Stars has hit the Food Network. Awesome - nothing nicer than having a competition of all past contestants that placed second and third (suckers) just know they all have an axe to grind. Awesome. Nothing turns my crank more than strife. I'm rooting for an Angelo vs Marcel finale. Challenge tonight is cooking a frozen scallop. Gawd I wish I knew how to cook a scallop. I could totally do this show if it didn't include seafood. This is why I'll never be a great chef I'm afraid.
Tomorrow, back to 'work' via la Go Train in search of the first ugliest shoe of the year, and then back to whatever it is I do.
So - do I make New Years resolutions or not?? I routinely do not, but in a year currently laid out with very few "for sures", I might as well ice out a few.
1. Keep up the Blog, and aim for 20 avid followers. (Brittany - you need to get better at recruiting)
2. Get a freakin job! Although I would love, and I mean love, to just open a day I'm noodling that around too. Need a few backers.
3. Lose 100 lbs. This is big - and will take much commitment on my part, but I think I can do this. I've done 80 - but have gained it back plus a few - so I have got to smarten up. I have added my progress tracker to the blog main page so you can follow along ( and keep me honest
The reality is that I can no longer blame the job for my weight gain, that has just snuck up over the past 4.5 months. Its a matter of balancing some activity with a few less double doubles. Ay yi yi. I think I'll stick with the weight watcher plan.....I know how it works. Just a matter of doing it...besides all of the content is Google-able now, so I won't have to go to the sad sack meetings. And its better than ordering those damn online meals Kirstie Alley, so stuff it. I still need the ability to drink. Its my reality. WW will support my habit!
So there we have it. Its game on. First weigh in will be Monday morning. I need to have unloaded 2 lbs.
If you see me head first in a box of turtles....please pull me out dammit, and set up an intervention. STAT
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