Welcome to my blog...I have always thought that people are desperate to know what I'm thinking......and here you are just like I thought! Its tough being right all the time.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Its damn cold

Today the furnace kacked - and the house is taking a a good deal of time to re-warm.  So at 8:14pm, I'm already tucked in bed, and hating every minute of the homework I have to do.  Ay yi yi.

So back to GO Transit............Did I mention how much I loathe this organization?  Why?  because they have you by the short and curlys and you have not choice as a commuter but to use them!

Here is what go says on GO:

What Is GO?

GO Transit is Canada’s first, and the Province of Ontario’s only, interregional public transportation service for the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area of Southern Ontario with service extending to Niagara Falls and Kitchener-Waterloo in the west; Orangeville, Barrie, and Beaverton in the north; Stouffville, Uxbridge, and Peterborough in the northeast; and Oshawa and Newcastle in the east. We carry nearly 55 million passengers a year.
Since May 1967, GO Transit has evolved from a single GO Train line along Lake Ontario’s shoreline into an extensive network of train lines and bus routes. Since day one, more than a billion riders have taken GO – to work or school, and home, or for leisure activities. GO provides commuters with safe, fast, reliable, comfortable, and direct service to downtown Toronto and other urban centres

I have some concerns with the above highlighted OVERSTATEMENTS.

Additionally there is a 5 part passenger charter:
1.  We WILL DO OUR BEST to be on time
2.  We will always take your safety seriously
3.  We will keep you in the know
4.  We will make your experience comfortable
5.  We will help you quickly and courteously

Now in GOs defense, the charter was new at the end of 2010 - but let me give you a view into the GO reality.  Since the creation of said charter, there has not been a day where they have not met their targets.  As an aside - do you know how many people get hurt on beside or under go trains every year?  Shocking - 5 people died in 2010.....but lets start small.....let just arrive on time, forget alive.

I never, and I mean NEVER arrive on time.  There in the last week have been 4 technical issues delaying my train - and I have chosen a different departure time each time.  Its viral.  But they never said they'd get me to work on time - they said they'd try.  Have I ever accepted that spiel from an employee?  Um no.  Gee Chris I tried... c'mon.

They take my safety seriously?  Really - 3 kernels of salt on a tiled 20 stair climb ain't safe, particularly while I'm being trampled by the hoards behind me.... Well I guess if they don"t state it - their wanton disregard is inferred - so they better write it down.  Every train always has at least 1 car where the emergency response bar isn't working - and the "Customer Service Ambassador" in coach 5 announces it like every 5 minutes.....wow that grinds my gears.  I'm trying to nap for pete sakes.  So every 5 minutes they announce as well, that if you don"t feel safe (like say you are sitting by a terrorist), please feel free to move to coach 5 where ambassador "Mindy" or "Jim" will look after you.  Gee - that won't be awkward getting up after the call and crawling over everyone to get to safety......"Gee, whats she afraid of....."

We will keep you in the know.....well thats true.  They announce every shortcoming every 5 minutes so they can pour salt in the wound over and over and over...."Just want to announce folks that the doors are not working and our departure from Union is now delayed 20 minutes.  Please be patient.  Oh and the other train you could have taken in the mean time?  Yeah its already gone too.......we"ll let you know as things progress"  Thanks for the update Ambassador Jim. (Ambassador Jim is cute by the way....always take the 315 home...)

Comfort?  Well, sometimes I have have to sit on the stairs or sit on someones lap.  Sometimes there is no heat, sometimes there are no metro papers, and sometimes I have to hike 2 miles from the parking lot to even get to the station.  Yeah - that is pretty comfy.  Thanks GO people.

Couteous help can come very quickly when the sole options for the helpee is the helper saying "I apologize for the inconvenience".

Sigh.  Monopolies.  Gotta hate 'em.

So here is what makes me NUTS after I hike 2 miles in a foot of snow, sit on some old guys lap with nothing to read, not being able to nap because ambassador Jim won't lay off the mic, and then having to skid down 2 flights of stairs to hook up with the mole people.  Here are the walmat greeters of Dirtville:

2 people standing in front of a little glass box - making sure we all pay.  They don't make change, or sell tickets.....they just occupy that space.  Its fascinating that there are 2 budgeted salaries for this function.  Grrrr.  Just use the ticket guys 2 feet to the left.  Save some money Toronto.  Outfit these 2 with brooms.  Ay yi yi. I'm so annoyed.  I should get a tea and have a break.

However before I close, here is something cool I spied underground today.  What the heck is this?

Its a home made ski/skateboard bike?  Check out the arm strap for handy tunnel carrying.  I wonder how it propels?  Its pretty cool anyway. 

Well, I'm thawing out.  Gotta read about 12 articles tonight, so must get at it.  Top chef is on in 3 min...... Marcel and The French Guy are still in it..... sweet.

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