Welcome to my blog...I have always thought that people are desperate to know what I'm thinking......and here you are just like I thought! Its tough being right all the time.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

I don't care what Brian Boitano would make

There is nothing that I find more infuriating than the lack 'o TV on Sundays.  As I wind up my early morning Coronation Street fix, I commence with the surfing of channels...cuz thats what I do Sundays.  I am not ready for the world till at least 12pm.

So as most of you who know me would expect, I drift to the Food Network.  What happened to my precious station?  I used to be saturated in the wonder of their programming - from Emeril's incessant BAMMING, to Good Eats, and on to a dose of East Meets West with Ming Tsai...I used to have Sundays locked up with a full day of kitchen fun.  Its made me the foodie I am today.

Today - fun - not so much.  I am forced to choke down "Cooking for Real".  Some babe from the south qualifies as a celebrity because her "Gramma" taught her "real cookin".  I don't know about that - I can't take a woman poured into a pair of jeans, loaded down with jewelery, topped with a ratty weave flying everywheren choppin up a catfish seriously.  I ain't buyin it sista - go back to the club and get your groove on....and take yer vittles with you.

But the point where I know my wagon is hitched to the wrong star is when the title sequence of the following program yields this question: "What would Brian Boitano Make?"  Really?  Is this all you have under the hood Food Network?  Brian Boitano?  I'm guessing he's spent all of his figure skating empire entertaining all of his he-friends, and livin large.  Now he's broke and needs to broadcast exactly how he'll use chorizzo this time as a party dish, so that the sponsors can fund his gatherings.  Sell your medals B-ri

Oddly, Brian Orser and Kurt Browning never show up to enjoy his array of dips and tooth pick fodder.  Maybe they don't care what Brian would make either!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Movie Review - Despicable Me

Well, I finally got to see the movie, which was entertaining.  If I'd actually had someone to go with, I may have had a better time!  So I went solo, and was early so read my book like some aloof loser in the theatre - Kathy Griffins bio.  I'll review later.  I then dropped 10$ on a small popcorn and medium frutopia..."and what kind of frutopia miss....we have Red and Orange"...ay yi yi....society has officially turned colours in to flavours. I love summer student help..can't add and completely catatonic at the cash.   Have you ever noticed that theatres smell like little kid pee?  Take a deep inhale next time...I'm gonna bank that all those b-day parties yield a few damp seats over time.....

So the movie is good - I would LOVE..and I mean LOVE to have a flock of yellow squeaking minion!  Oh what I could do with them!

Anyway, pretty fun, always with the tear jerker "will he make it to the dance recital?" moment.  You know, the usual.....but the real material is in the company I was keeping in the theatre.  Can I say it?  Irresponsible Mothers bring me to the brink of wanting to be an assassin.

Three rows ahead of me is Octomom with her brood of 3.  A set of twins like 6ish?  and her 2 year old that she allowed to run up and down the aisles and through the rows of empty seats...FOR THE WHOLE MOVIE! And mom sits happily watching, oblivious behind her 3D specs!

I get it - apparently being a mom is tough - okay we need entertain the kids so mom can have a break - but why do the rest of us have to suffer?  It makes me nuts.  I am always trying to make sure I'm not in peoples way, trying not to crunch my nachos too loud.....And it isn't as if I don't want to run up and doen the aisles myslef.....but I don't, cuz I'm considerate.  I hope you're reading this octomom - take a hint.

By the way.....this movie was NOT better than Toy Story as often claimed. It has a consistent evil fights evil and evil gone good triumphs over evil theme.  The minion and little girls steal the show = 3/5 stars. 


I'm job hunting........long story, soon to be elaborated on this blog I'm sure.  Having a wee snack and dram while I surf and I get to thinking.......Are you a buyer of Triscuits?  I am - and I have to restrict myself to one box Q 2 weeks - not becasue I consume that many triscuits (who needs that much fibre?), but because I just don't have the storage for that many crackers, given my propensity to want to TEST new flavours.

Lately I have been dabbling in the Olive Oil/Cracked Pepper brand.  However, went shopping yesterday and low and behold a new flavour exists - Balsamic and Basil.  These are tasty.  Way heavy on the seasoning, and way tangy, and work great with goat cheese.  Thank you Galen Weston jr. for making room in cracker valley for another inhabitant.  How long do we suppose before theres a Presidents Choice series to choose from?

Oh gawd.....has it happened....I've gotten excited about crackers.....I need a job!  I'm goin to the movies.....