Welcome to my blog...I have always thought that people are desperate to know what I'm thinking......and here you are just like I thought! Its tough being right all the time.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Back on the grid

I am so freaking hot!  Welcome back dear readers.  Its been oh so many days since the last blog - but rest assured - I'm back in the saddle.

So how badly do I want a pair of these?  Five Finger shoes.  I know they are for atheletes - but I know my gym experience could be so enhanced if I only had a pair....they may have the power to actually point my car toward the gym!  (There is 60$ a month currently well invested.).  I wonder where my membership card is anyway.....Long story short - I really want these shoes people!

So now that I no longer commute into the bowels of the city to work anymore, I haven't had a lot of TTC blog fodder.....however, on what was possibly the hottest day of the year to date, I made the return to hog town for a play date with Klein.  Don't you love it when people break in their new summer runners.  Which is whiter, the legs or the shoes?  He was practically a hairless albino...... Cute ankle sox pal.

 Now note to self...never entrust Klein with the responsibility of picking a restaurant.  With all that Yorkville has to offer, all of the pomp and plouffe, all of the shi-shi see and be seen venues available......he picks:  RAWLICIOUS.  The great "Raw Vegan Dining Experience".  Now there is nothing Raw/Vegan about either of us.  But what we are is intrigued, and so we ask for a seat in the dining room that you could shoot a cannon thru it was so void of customers.  But the place did fill eventually with obvious regulars.  A bunch of beatnik hippies all wearing hemp suits, toting keep the earth green shopping bags, who all haven't seen real soap in years - since the invention of stink killing patchouli oil.  And then there was us... Meticulously reading every detail on the menu looking for anything that resembled food we would enjoy.  With our Ipads and Blackberries poised taking pictures of the menu like tourists.

9.50 for a 16oz V-8 is extortion!  Glad I wasn't paying.

 (I know the pic is upside down) And once we decided we felt we could not live until we had tasted kelp noodles and seasoned nut loaf, washed down with avocado smoothies.....we dined.  Spring Rolls and Nori rolls to start, and Pad Thai noodles and Pasta Bolgnese.  All cold, all raw, and all vegan.  How do you even begin to milk a nut?

Truth be known, the Bolognese was pretty tasty!  Nutloaf is very close to the texture of meat, and if you chop in a pile of spice and tomato - its palatable.  I would love to get me on the "twirler" that made the zucchini noodles up to.  That has huge application in my kitchen.

At the end of the big play date - there was more than enough room for startbucks, and I happily enjoyed one.....and then had an uber decadent glass of sangria on a patio while I waited for my dinner play date.  French food.  La Paradis on Davenport.  Uber tasty!

Also - the 50th birthday celebration that just would not seem to end, actually ended the following day.  Great tea party, and a great French dinner again at a different venue in Bloor West. Merlot.  Go - get roof top seating.  Liver is great.  Steak is better.  Mousse is odd.

So having a tough time easing into summer fun.  Accounting and Stats are physically taking their toll on my psyche.....maybe I am not as brilliant as I think I am.  I need to get out and have a night amongst the people.  Hey I know - I should see a movie.........

The problem is, is that I should not have seen THIS particular movie.  Do not be fooled by the 4-5 star rating.  And don't be lured in by Christopher Plummer.  Its false advertisement that the movie could actually be good.  However, if you are into 105 minutes of Ewan McGregor and some French babe, miming their growing love for each other and fear of commitment through silent eye contact and interpretive dance - then line up for tickets my friend!  This one's for you.  When I am on my deathbed, I will regret those valuable life moments now wasted.

Here is your moment of Zen:

"Nothing says marriage like butterflies and sperm".